Lot 35: Our Name is Our Story

Lot 35 Homes: our business name and our logo are simple ways to tell our story.
"Where'd you come up
with that name?"
We get asked that a lot.
When we decided to join forces, we wanted to choose a business name that reflected our personalities, and also communicated our core values. When we met, we discovered quickly that we each had a favorite number: Ryan's is 3, Morgan's is 5. In our early infatuation, we started looking for 35's everywhere. From then on, we always would spot 35's and grin at each other like teenagers in love.
The dorkiness continues to this day.
The "lot" is an acronym for Least Of These. Matthew 25 tells what it means to really be a follower of Christ: how you love Jesus shows up in how you love others. We always want to have that in the forefront of our hearts and our business. We want to use our talents, hard work, time and energy to love others well and to work for a bigger purpose than ourselves.
"How about
that logo?"
We love our logo. It's simple yet classic. There's two parts to our logo that just had to be there to fit our business well.
The hexagon: there's something very straightforward and orderly about a geometric shape. It says that things will be organized, thoughtful, and planned. Those are all absolutely imperative when you run a business, and particularly important when you're in construction.
The ferns: we live in the pacific north west, so ferns are a predominant part of the landscape. It's a nod to our commitment to working within our community. There's also something mysterious and wild about nature which is why we love it so much.
The mixture of the two elements represents how we feel about life. Be intentional, have boundaries, plan. But also be prepared to be surprised by things that are wildly out of our control, knowing that only with both of those pieces is life really lived.