Special Needs, Special Project

It has been one month since we had the big reveal on our first Lot 35 Connect project. Our big-picture goal is to help care for our special needs community by giving parents of a special needs child a bedroom makeover. Rest and overall emotional and mental health is SO important for caregivers. How can you care for a child with significant health issues if you're not cared for yourself? Our town is relatively small and rural, so there is a lot of overlap in friendships and family. Our wonderful local physician's assistant Trish was always so friendly and cheery, and I loved seeing her. When the news came that her sons had been in an ATV accident and one of them was critically injured, the heartbreak was far-spread.Trish quit her job at the hospital to take care of Colton, who sustained a traumatic brain injury and was in a semi-conscious state. The last 2 1/2 years have been an adjustment to say the least (you can read more of their story here). I knew that I wanted the Collins to be our first family that we did this for, and the emotion was palpable when I got the chance to ask her face-to-face if she would accept our project. I'm so thankful that they did. I spent the next several months talking to everyone and their grandma about our project to see how we could successfully fund and complete their project. Our local builders' supply store Rosenburg's donated the majority of the construction materials, Roby's Furniture and Appliance provided many of the furniture pieces (and a new mattress!), Sunflower Flats created a beautiful floral arrangement, Madeline's Vintage Marketplace gave us sweet vintage/rustic wall art, and Lamps Plus sent us the perfect wall lamps. We started up a GoFund Me and people from all over donated. With those funds we were able to get remaining building supplies, bedding, a rug, window treatments and decor.The reveal is THE BEST.

What I wanted to share with you in this post is what the last month has been like for Trish and Rick in their new bedroom:

 "We have been in our new bedroom for a month now! I still wake up and look around and can’t believe it’s OUR room! Rick and I have been married for 19 yrs. We have had 3 houses but never have we had a space like this! We have always put more effort into making other spaces in our house a priority. Big mistake!

“I had no idea that this room makeover would have such an impact over my mood and sleep! Having a child that has multiple needs and often needs me during the night, sleep has been rough for 2.5 yrs. Sleep is still hit or miss but I fall back to sleep so much easier now because I’m so comfortable in our space.

Before our room makeover I had become complacent about sleeping in our room. It was a source of stress for me so I just avoided that room. I know that had I put a bit more effort into trying to make it functional, it may have made things better, but honestly my priorities were elsewhere.I’m so thankful to my friend Morgan, who saw a need and stepped in and utilized her God given talents to design this beautiful space for us. Every piece placed into our room is my favorite. I love my new desk! I’m able to work on making leather earrings without cluttering up the dining room now!

Our bed is so big and comfy! Every pillow, lamp, side table, picture, plant and candle was picked out just for us. It is all perfect and beautiful! The room went from just a room to a 'You gotta see our room!' It’s the prettiest room in our whole house and we are so incredibly thankful.To everyone who donated to make this happen, Thank You doesn’t feel adequate! We feel overwhelmed by the support and will continue to pay it forward!"